Bad Form was founded in 2019 BY AMY MAE BAXTER to platform WRITERs OF COLOUR.

In 2016, less than 100 books by British BAME authors were published. There is a huge representation gap in the British publishing industry, and WE’RE TRYING TO FIX IT.


Bad Form is a books magazine. That means we write a lot about books - everything from book reviews, to reading lists, to opinion pieces about the publishing industry. The world of literary reviews is a pale and stale place, and we’re here to fuck it up with a lot of colour.

We publish a print issue once a year (it used to be more often, but now we take our time). You can see some of them here.

We used to publish loads of articles online, but now we focus on recommending books every month, throwing events, and making that print issue extra special.

We’re so proud of how much we have been able to achieve as a part-time-volunteer-lead platform. You can read some glowing reviews of our work here, and see some awards we’ve won here.